function customerReport(json){ var formatDate = function(elCell, oRecord, oColumn, sData) { elCell.innerHTML = YAHOO.util.Date.format(new Date(YAHOO.util.DataSource.Parser['mysql_date'](sData)), {format: "%d-%b-%G"}, "en-US"); }; var myColumnDefs = [ {key:"number", label:"NO"}, {key:"date", label:"Date", sortable:true, formatter:formatDate}, {key:"username", label:"User Name", sortable:true}, {key:"country", label:"Country", sortable:true}, {key:"full_name", label:"Full Name", sortable:true}, {key:"phone", label:"Phone"}, {key:"email", label:"E-mail Address"} ]; var myDataSource = new YAHOO.util.DataSource(json); myDataSource.responseType = YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_JSON; myDataSource.connXhrMode = "queueRequests"; myDataSource.responseSchema = { resultsList: "data", fields: ["number", "date", "username", "country", "full_name", "phone", "email"] }; var myConfigs = { paginator: new YAHOO.widget.Paginator( { rowsPerPage: 10, containers: "report-paginator", firstPageLinkLabel : "<< ", previousPageLinkLabel : "< previous", nextPageLinkLabel : "next >", lastPageLinkLabel : " >>" }), MSG_EMPTY: "No result", MSG_LOADING: "loading" }; var myDataTable = new YAHOO.widget.DataTable("customer-report", myColumnDefs, myDataSource, myConfigs); }
And date format function for our example shown bellow:
YAHOO.util.DataSource.Parser['mysql_date'] = function (oData) { var parts = oData.split(' '); var datePart = parts[0].split('-'); // assumes in YYYY-MM-DD format if (parts.length > 1) { var timePart = parts[1].split(':'); return new Date(datePart[0],datePart[1]-1,datePart[2],timePart[0],timePart[1],timePart[2]); } else { return new Date(datePart[0],datePart[1]-1,datePart[2]); } };
Now, u can show your date column in different format. For more information about YUI date format read from here. And sort for date column works fine independent which format u accept for this column.
That's all u need for this problem :))
where is connection file and query ? can you send fulll code please
ReplyDeleteConnection is standard JDBC connection. I get query result and generate JSON object sent it back.
ReplyDeletethat is the part I need to know. Could you please add to your post?.